About Embodied Witnessing
Wholeness ~ Compassion ~ Alignment ~ Creativity
Embodied witnessing practices support nervous system settling and strengthen an inner ground of safety and availability for authentic connection. As we deepen our grounding, we become more available to sense our inter-connection and our felt sense of innate wholeness.
Turning towards our embodied experience with compassion creates connection with our emotional bodies. As we listen to and befriend our emotions, what was previously held apart can re-join the flow of our inner wholeness, which allows for inner movement, healing, growth, and development.
As we presence our somatic experiences with dignity, respect, and generosity, insights emerge which bring understanding. This fresh information refines our alignment. New narratives honor where we've been, what is essential for us now, and who we are becoming.
As we integrate, we become freer to recognize and receive what we need, and to move into empowered creativity. We build our capacity to intentionally and powerfully create more connection, abundance, collaboration, shared power, and love.
Embodied witnessing practices support nervous system settling and strengthen an inner ground of safety and availability for authentic connection. As we deepen our grounding, we become more available to sense our inter-connection and our felt sense of innate wholeness.
Turning towards our embodied experience with compassion creates connection with our emotional bodies. As we listen to and befriend our emotions, what was previously held apart can re-join the flow of our inner wholeness, which allows for inner movement, healing, growth, and development.
As we presence our somatic experiences with dignity, respect, and generosity, insights emerge which bring understanding. This fresh information refines our alignment. New narratives honor where we've been, what is essential for us now, and who we are becoming.
As we integrate, we become freer to recognize and receive what we need, and to move into empowered creativity. We build our capacity to intentionally and powerfully create more connection, abundance, collaboration, shared power, and love.
What is Witnessing?
Witnessing consciousness is described in ancient traditions as an ascendant (or top-down) practice, where we reside in inner stillness and enough spaciousness to be conscious of experience without getting stuck in reactivity, fusion, or avoidance. Ascendant practices are correlated with the masculine principle, Father Sky, and the capacity for discernment, and can also be understood as opening to what is possible, emergent, and not yet manifest.
What is Embodiment?
Embodying connects us with the fullness of life through our bodies: sensing, feeling, subtle inner movement, and our interconnection with each other and all of life. Embodying includes how we connect and relate interpersonally with each other. Embodiment is a descendant (or bottom-up) practice which is correlated with the feminine principle, Mother Earth, and rooting or grounding. Embodying connects us with wisdom integrated from the past: individually, ancestrally, collectively, and historically.
Witnessing consciousness is described in ancient traditions as an ascendant (or top-down) practice, where we reside in inner stillness and enough spaciousness to be conscious of experience without getting stuck in reactivity, fusion, or avoidance. Ascendant practices are correlated with the masculine principle, Father Sky, and the capacity for discernment, and can also be understood as opening to what is possible, emergent, and not yet manifest.
What is Embodiment?
Embodying connects us with the fullness of life through our bodies: sensing, feeling, subtle inner movement, and our interconnection with each other and all of life. Embodying includes how we connect and relate interpersonally with each other. Embodiment is a descendant (or bottom-up) practice which is correlated with the feminine principle, Mother Earth, and rooting or grounding. Embodying connects us with wisdom integrated from the past: individually, ancestrally, collectively, and historically.